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Shipping & Returns


The cost of shipping will vary depending on the delivery location and number of boxes required to ship your items.


If you place all of the items into your shopping cart and proceed to checkout, the website will automatically calculate the accurate shipping fee for that order.


Customers are welcome to arrange their own courier if they wish.  To arrange this, please contact with a note of the items and quantities you require, and your shipping and billing addresses. An invoice will be raised for your order and as soon as it is picked, checked and packed, you will receive an email from us confirming the dimensions and weight of the parcels. This will allow you to contact your courier and book the collection.

Return & Exchange Policy

You can make a request to return most items within 7 days of receipt of the goods.  The item must remain in a saleable condition and be returned at your cost.  If approved, we must receive the item within 14 days of the original delivery.


If you need to return an item, please get in touch with our team via and we will be able to assist you.

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